

  • February 21, 2023 · Duty,belt,vest
    They take pride in the exceptional quality and adaptability of the duty and garrison belts. The components of a duty belt will be discussed first. Duty belt Canada has many attachment points for a wide range of gear. Properly attaching them is the key. Improper attachment may limit the Security...
    Ceramic plate body armor is personal protective equipment that protects the wearer from small arms fire, shrapnel, and other ballistic threats. Ceramic plates in Canada are often used with Kevlar or other bullet-resistant materials to create a more effective level of protection. When choosing the...
    Self-defense batons are becoming increasingly popular in Canada for military personnel. They provide a way for individuals to protect themselves and can be used as a last resort against an attacker. Here we will discuss the different types of batons available, as well as their benefits and...